Affinity Electric’s team of electricians just wired and installed a massive, commercial Roof Top HVAC unit for CACI in Aurora, Colorado. We upgraded the electrical service and added a new 400 amp 277/480 volt disconnect and cabinet. We brought in a large crane to lift the RTU onto the roof. It took about a month to wire and wrap up this RTU installation project.

Upgrading your rooftop unit (RTU) HVAC system typically offers a number of benefits:

  1. Energy & Cost Savings: By replacing or retrofitting inefficient RTUs, you can often reduce energy use by 30% to 50%. This translates to significant cost savings on utility bills.
  2. Improved Efficiency: New technologies for RTU replacement and retrofits provide tremendous savings opportunities. Advanced control strategies, such as multi-speed or variable speed supply fan control, modulating outdoor air damper control, and demand-controlled ventilation and improvements in operational efficiencies.
  3. Occupant Comfort: Upgraded RTUs can maintain better temperature and humidity control, leading to a more comfortable indoor environment for building occupants.
  4. Environmental Impact: Energy-efficient RTUs can help reduce greenhouse gas emissions and contribute to a more sustainable environment.

Its worth noting that even if your RTU is relatively new, retrofitting with your system with advanced controls can still yield significant savings and improve occupant comfort.

Connecting an RTU (Rooftop Unit) to electricity involves several considerations that require expert electricians such as Affinity Electric. Let’s break it down:

  1. Power Supply: RTUs require electrical power for their components, including the blower motor, compressor, and controls. The power supply connections are essential. Most RTUs have a single coil connected to a refrigeration unit for cooling or are connected to a heat pump, gas burner, or electrical heating element for heating.
  2. Electrical Convenience Outlet: Many codes now require an electrical convenience outlet within a certain distance of the RTU for service personnel. This outlet allows technicians to connect tools and equipment during maintenance or repairs. Larger units may even come with a pre-installed convenience outlet.
  3. Structural Considerations: RTUs are almost always heavy, especially larger ones such as the one we installed – which required a large crane. Structural engineers ensure that the building’s roof can support the significant weight of the unit. Proper installation ensures safety and stability.

Affinity Electric’s team of electrical contractors worked with professional HVAC technicians handle RTU installation to ensure safety, compliance, and proper functioning. If you’re installing or maintaining an RTU, we invite you to consult with an expert to make the process smoother.

What is an RTU (Roof Top Unit)

An RTU (Roof-Top Unit) is a type of HVAC system that combines all necessary components for conditioning air into a single compact unit. These units are commonly used in light commercial and large-scale applications, including retail and industrial properties. Here are some key points about RTUs:

  1. Components: An RTU typically includes components such as the compressor, condenser coils, evaporator coils, fans, and filters—all housed within a single enclosure.
  2. Installation: RTUs are installed on rooftops, freeing up indoor space and simplifying maintenance.
  3. Heating and Cooling: RTUs provide both heating and cooling functions. The conditioned air is distributed throughout the building via ductwork and registers.
  4. Energy Efficiency: Modern RTUs offer energy-efficient operation, making them a popular choice for commercial buildings.
  5. Variety: RTUs come in various sizes and configurations, catering to different building requirements.

Affinity Electric invites you to contact us for a FREE ESTIMATE for an RTU installation or any commercial or industrial electrical services for your building, office space or facility.

Phone: 720-495-6290


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